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Shane C. Koci, Assistant Vice President, Online Banking Services Manager     

Email:     Phone: 785.379.8162

Shane joined Silver Lake Bank in 2008 as the Branch Manager of the Southwest Branch. In February of 2018, Shane took the position of Online Banking Services Manager. He grew up in the Topeka area and attended Washburn Rural High School and Kansas State University, where he graduated with a degree in Business Administration.

Shane has a passion for promoting financial literacy with youth and volunteers with Junior Achievement and at local school events. He also helps as bank liaison for the WRHS Bank, Golden Eagle Bank at SLHS and the Seaman High School Bank.

Shane and his wife Darci have 4 children and currently live in Auburn. In his free time, Shane, enjoys hunting, fishing, camping and just about anything outdoors. He also enjoys watching and coaching his kid’s sporting events. He also enjoys DIY projects: anything from construction to woodworking to automotive repairs.

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