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Contact Silver Lake Bank

Silver Lake Bank takes pride in our exceptional service. Please feel free to contact us for all of your banking needs.

Phone or Fax

General calls route through our main bank, Jayhawk.

Main Bank, Jayhawk - Topeka, KS

Phone:  785.232.0102   Fax:  785.232.4010

Gage - Topeka, KS

Phone:  785.272.2270   Fax:  785.272.7303

Southwest - Topeka, KS

Phone:  785.290.2270   Fax:  785.290.2273

Silver Lake - Silver Lake, KS

Phone:  785.582.4651   Fax:  785.582.4120

Lawrence - Lawrence, KS

Phone:  785.330.9901   Fax:  785.330.9905

Greater Kansas City - Overland Park, KS

Phone:  913.914.4002   Fax:  785.232.4010

Toll Free outside of the Topeka area: 877.232.0102

Email Silver Lake Bank     

General Inquiries

For general inquiries not including private information, send us an email.

Secure File Submission

Click here to securely upload documents directly to Silver Lake Bank via ShareFile.

Sponsorships and Donations

Contact Marketing Manager Jeanny Sharp, with your request.

Primary Mailing Address

Silver Lake Bank
PO Box 8330
Topeka, KS 66608-0330