Email Disclosure
Security Alert: General emails may note be secure. It may be possible for others to view information contained in email messages.
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Your privacy and security are our primary concern at Silver Lake Bank. We use industry security standards to protect your account information from unauthorized access. However, due to the nature of email communications, we cannot guarantee that we will receive your email or that the information you communicate will be transmitted securely.
For these reasons, when sending us emails, we ask that you do not include account numbers, social security numbers, passwords, PINs, etc. If you have errors or questions about your statement, Silver Express Online Banking and Online Bill Pay, if your password is stolen or if you want to stop payment of an item, please use one of these alternatives to contact us:
- In person
- Secure your request via postal mail
- Contact a Customer Service Representative at any of our locations
- Click here to securely upload documents directly to Silver Lake Bank via ShareFile